Deaf people face unique challenges with getting full access to communication in their native language, and thus, have fewer opportunities to get the full benefit of Nature and Forest Therapy.
At ANFT, (which stands for Association of Nature and Forest Therapy) we believe that the practice of Nature and Forest Therapy is for everyone, and inclusion is essential.
We are excited to announce that with the support of ANFT, we are offering a special cohort for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing, and signing participants, provided in American Sign Language, by an experienced ANFT trainer, in collaboration with a certified Deaf Nature and Forest Therapy guide. Interpreters will be provided to facilitate communication in this cohort.
This cohort will begin with an in-person 4-day Immersion at Aspen Camp for the Deaf in Snowmass, CO, and end with an online core guide training for 6 months. This cohort will explore ways to provide full access to communication and resources for healing on different levels, with human participants, other guides, and the More Than Human World.
It is the goal that certified Deaf and signing guides can return to their communities and share the gift with both signing and non-signing people.
This exciting opportunity will also include some innovative ways of incorporating the Deaf perspective into the traditional training programs, such as exploring the meaning of silence, language, embodiment, and acceptance of the diverse ways to be human in the Forest.
I hope you are interested in helping us pave a new perspective in the way we guide and connect humans to the More Than Human World to help heal this world.

To learn more about this special Luna Moth Training cohort, we've developed a FAQ here:
When: June 4-8, 2023
Where: Aspen Camp for the Deaf in Snowmass, CO
How Long: 4 day immersion (weekend), and then 6 months online training online with the same group.
Cost: $495 for the Immersion weekend, then $3350 for the whole training (stipends available)
Trained by who: Certified and experienced ANFT Trainer/Mentor, along with certified Deaf ANFT guide, Summer Crider as an advisor
Who should go? Those who appreciate, enjoy, and want a deeper connection with Nature, who are curious to learn about the practice of Nature & Forest Therapy and what it involves with its benefits. You’ll be learning the Way of the Guide and learn how to apply it in your current work. Perhaps you’re a counselor, educator, involved in the field of holistic healing, like reiki or mindfulness/ life coaching- you can find ways to apply Nature therapy approaches in your practice/work.
A 4 day in-person gathering/immersion is for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of hearing, and signing participants. You will have the opportunity to experience in-person forest therapy walks and simply connect and share experiences and stories with other guides. Additionally, you will:
Get a hands-on experience
Get to know trainers personally
Get to know other guides and connect
Learn from shared experiences with other guides
Prepare for the 6-month remote training
There is a limited opportunity to apply for this immersion retreat so apply now at the link below:
The 6-month "Become A Guide" training includes:
Learn how to guide ANFT's Standard Sequence - A Powerful approach to nature connection
Sequencing forest therapy invitations for maximum impact and benefit
The heart-centered Way of the Guide approach
The Language of Invitation to help create powerful connections with self and nature
Somatic techniques for embodied awareness
The pedagogy and fundamentals of nature connection
Nature and forest therapy research and knowledge
Trail awareness and safety -how to choose a forest therapy trail
Getting to know your bioregion, its history, watershed, awarenesses, and more
Facilitation skills that promote an open environment for group sharing
Expressive arts activities for forest therapy
Competency standards: what a Forest Therapy Guide should know and be able to do
Tips for successfully promoting your forest therapy offerings