About The Tour
From 2022 to 2024, the Giving Cypress completed a nation wide tour in a bus conversion, the "Turtle Shuttle", to raise awareness about the Human and Nature Connection in the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Disabled community. They hosted several Nature and Forest Therapy guided sessions (community walks, presentations/workshops, and camps/retreats) in different cities across the Nation.
We worked closely with the forests, and the community in the hopes to introduce different approaches to mental health and healing the earth, collectively.
Summer was the only Nature and Forest Therapy guide, trained and certified by ANFT, who is Deaf. They hope to change that by opening the doors for more opportunities for people with disabilities to become certified. And they did.
In partnership with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT), Summer is currently planning another training co-hort.
Route Map
Oh the Places We'll Go!
This is a tentative plan of all the places that we plan to travel in 2022. Some dates are set in stone, while others are up in the air! We are embracing the flexibility to travel and taking time to pause, smell the roses, climb mountains, and be one with the Forest.
If you see a place close to you and want to experience Nature and Forest Therapy,
please contact us or sign up through our Events!
April ​
Washington, DC​ Earth Day Community Walk
Boston, MA Community Walk & Private Sessions
Ithaca, NY Community Walk
Rochester, NY Community Walk & Rochester School for the Deaf
Detroit, MI Community Forest Bathing Walk
Brooklyn MI Planning Retreat for Camp Belong
Columbus, OH DWAVE Organization
Indianapolis, IN Community Walk
Chicago, IL
Minneapolis, MN
Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Snowmass, CO Aspen Camp Forest Family camp
Denver, CO
Co-hosting events w. Deaf Herbalist & Energy Worker
Deaf Forest Bathing Community Walk in Denver
Wyoming- Bridger National Forest
Portland, Oregon Community Walk
Seattle, Washington Community Walk
Sacramento, CA
Bay Area, CA
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA
Riverside, CA
Prescott, AZ​
Tuscon, AZ
Santa Fe, NM
Austin, TX
St. Augustine, FL

Working in partnership with Association of Nature and Forest Therapy to help connect you to the Forest.
This tour is sponsored partially by www.anft.earth